Time is a funny thing. A year can pass you by in an uneventful second. It seemed like it was only yesterday when 2011 started. I was in Eastwood with my sister and my brother-in-law. They took me there so that I can see the fireworks and have a drinking session (my folks aren't too keen with the idea of their children drinking, especially my mom). In the end, I got to drink 4 bottles of Vodka Cruiser in their car and shared a bottle of The Bar with them in my room. Anyway, that night, I contemplated and said to myself that being 20 wasn't really going to be anything spectacular. 2011 would be just like any other year, and nothing monumental would actually happen. But I was wrong. In fact, I consider 2011 to be one of the greatest years I've had. It was the year I became an org president, of the last Harry Potter movie, the year I joined a pageant and lost (but still got cash for it haha), I first went to Singapore (and fell in love with it), the year I got to go Boracay with only my friends, I tried helmet diving, and the first time I got to go Old Town in San Diego. It was also my first time to tour a city by myself, and the time I got to see international celebrities, like Leonardo de Caprio and Hilary Swank, and got so star struck, I literally froze. Yeap it was pretty eventful, and that's not even half of it.
I guess what played part in it being awesome was not expecting anything and not being prepared. All my life, I always went on with a plan. A blueprint on how I would live my life and what goals I should have accomplished. But then I realized that life doesn't need a plan. It just needs direction (the right one) and pathways (again, the right ones). You don't necessarily have to have a plan for every part of your life, since the best things in life always come unexpected (yes naman). With the many possibilities that can happen, all you have to do is go with the flow and if a chance arrives in front of you, you just grab it. And that's exactly how I lived my life last year. Well except for grabbing the chances part. While I took on some, I also blew off what could possibly be great chances; chances that could have become monumental events.
So before I hit that imaginary refresh button, I promise to take every single one of those chances that come my way (as long as it's not illegal... well... as long as I don't get caught nalang haha... I kidd, I kidd). I will take all the strength I have in me to stop myself from being a pussy and start taking risks. When fear comes, I'll confront it. When uncertainty dwells, I'll just use my curiosity to balance it out. Of course, words are easier said than done, so it'll probably take some time to get the hang of it. I'll just have to learn faster siguro.
To cap off the end of a great year, I'd like to thank every one that has become part of it, whether it be on the good days or the bad ones. May you all still be a part of my life this year, and the years to come. To those who I have mistreated, offended, or ignored, I hope that you find it in your heart to forgive me. I promise to improve my whole being this year, and I swear you'll see the effects as soon as possible. To the ones that have mistreated, offended, or ignored me the past year, okay lang. Go to hell. Joke. Hahaha. I forgive you guys. I may still have those feelings of resentment for you, but it'll fade (I just hope your bad attitudes would fade as well... yung sakin din sana).
Well anyway, Happy New Year errbody! As promised I'd be posting my New Year's resolutions and my 2012 Bucket List.
New Year's Resolutions.
1. Stop being a pussy (start being a dawg haha labo).
2. Be more assertive and more sociable.
3. Clean my room.
4. Improve study habits.
5. Pull your head out of your ass, and stand out.
6. Forgive (Forgiveness is more than saying sorry...sorry...)
7. Gain new friends and regain old ones.
8. Improve my photography (Hopefully, re-continue my 365 Days)
9. Improve my talents (writing, sketching, etc.)
10. Go to every Sunday mass this year.
2012 Bucket List.
1. Get higher than the Empire State (if you catch my drift *nudge nudge*)
2. Lose 30 lbs.
3. No TRES in my report card (Pucha, wag rin naman INC or SINGKO).
4. Go on a REAL date.
5. Win a Beer Pong match.
7. Go to another country with FRIENDS (SINGAPORE or HONG KONG).
8. Do the Dougie correctly.
9. Get a higher NMAT score.
10. Get a passing grade on our thesis.
11. Finally learn to ride a bike.
12. Run in a marathon.
13. Finally get drunk (tried a lot of times, but I haven't gotten to that knockout state yet).
14. Make a mirror box (will explain some day).
15. Audition for something.
16. Crash a party.
17. Drive to Subic or Baguio.
18. Enter a Badminton competition.
19. Go to Sagada and go spelunking.
20. Go to Kalinga (ride a carabao and eat ants).
21. Be amazed.
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