
Why shutterspeedisf?

You're prolly wondering why I chose shutterspeedisf as my blog name, and if you're not wondering, well imma tell the reason anyway. Nyaha. Anyway, I have always been known to pick really long usernames. The shortest one was my Multiply id (apanelo) and the longest one would have to be my Tumblr (angelowillruletehworld), I think. The name shutterspeedisf (which is also my Twitter id) should actually be "shutterspeedisfutile", but Twitter limited me (thank God).

When I was starting to think of blog names for this new one, I already had an arsenal of random names. Among them were "thefourthkind" (cuz of the IV in my name), "heavybackpack" (I'm known for my enourmous heavy backpack), "0960146" (my ID number back in LSGH), and "superpulis" (a role I had in a video back in 3rd year HS... don't ask HAHAHA). In the end, I decided to stick with shutterspeedisf. Oh just to clarify, I'm no photographer. I own an slr, but I'm only a hobbyist. Haha yun lang.

Oh well. Imma hit the hay. Will be attending a convention tomorrow @ ADMU. Baiiiiii.

My Life Be Like

 After a long time of thinking whether I'd stick to Tumblr or to another blogging site... I've finally chosen to try Blogspot. I'm no newbie when it comes to blogging. Like many teenagers of my generation, I've had my time with Multiply, and though it was a great outlet for my thoughts and rants (mostly rants HAHA), it slowly faded and became irrelevant. When I got introduced to Tumblr during my freshmen year in college, I immediately tried my luck to go back into blogging, buuuuuut I soon got addicted into gaining a lot of followers and impressing everybody with my posts. Thus, blogging became very taxing. Though I still use Tumblr, I'd rather use it for reblogging purposes. Anyway, I think Blogspot has a more relaxed feel when it comes to blabbing...err... I mean blogging so hopefully I'll stay longer here.

 Almost forgot! I've been talking about my transfer that I've forgot to introduce myself. I'm Angelo Panelo. For now, irrelevant. In the future, who knows...